About Us

First Street First is a business specializing in the buying and selling of premium used vehicles.
First Street First is in it’s 19th year of business originating on First Street…….First and then relocating to 1509 Park Street.
All vehicles hold a valid Manitoba safety certificate as well as a Transfer of Ownership Document (TOD).
All vehicles sold have been professionally detailed and are in excellent condition.
Extended warranty is available on all vehicles ranging from bumper to bumper warranty to power train only warranty.
Extended Warranty is purchased from Lubrico Warranty Company who have been in business since 1977, visit their web site at www.Lubrico.com

First Street First is located at 1509 Park Street. The easiest way to find our lot is to travel to the intersection of First Street and Richmond Avenue and continue traveling east on Richmond Avenue for approximately three blocks. You will see the biggest “Used Car Salesman” in Canada on the right side of the road. This is Park Street…..not to be confused with Park Avenue which intersects Richmond Avenue a few blocks further east from First Street First. At night, the big salesman is lit up and is easy to spot against the night sky. Now look for the 1967 Crazy Cuda flying over our building with Herb at the wheel, dressed for many occasions and his girl by his side.